
2025-02-09 10


近日,知名法律评级机构LegalOne公布了“「商业犯罪与刑事合规」客户信赖律师(Blue Ribbon)15强”榜单。基于律师在案件中突出的专业表现、积极的客户及同行反馈,盈科蔡正华律师、黄敬律师、隋晓军律师入选成为获此殊荣的15位中国律师。


Recently, the global research company LegalOne announced the LegalOne Blue Ribbon 2024 (China): Highly recommended 15 for Business Crime and Criminal Compliance. Based on his outstanding professional performance in cases and positive feedback from clients and peers, Attorney Cai Zhenghua、Huang Jing and Sui Xiaojun from Yingke Law Firm have been selected as the 15 Chinese lawyers to receive this prestigious honor.

律师简介Lawyer Introduction



蔡正华 盈科全国刑民交叉法律专业委员会主任

Cai Zhenghua, Chair of the National Criminal and Civil Cross-over Legal Affairs Committee of Yingke Law Firm.


Cai Zhenghua has been specialising in criminal legal services since he began his legal practice, displaying outstanding capabilities and rich experience in areas such as prevention of criminal risk, compliance reviews, crisis management, prosecution and defence, as well as resolving disputes involving the intersection of criminal and civil law and the linkage between criminal and administrative law. He excels at applying multiple legal issues, including criminal, civil and administrative law, in complex legal cases to meet the clients' comprehensive needs, especially including providing scientific strategies for responding to regulatory and judicial investigations when faced with them, and helping enterprises establish and improve their compliance and internal control systems. He has developed a mature workflow to handle various regulatory investigations, including safety supervision, market supervision, taxation, food and drug supervision, securities regulation, and financial regulation. Cai has unique insights and extensive practical experience in guiding clients on how to scientifically handle complex cases, especially in strategy formulation when regulatory and judicial investigations coexist. Over a decade of practice he has also resulted in numerous successful cases, including but not limited to a case where a criminal prosecution was dropped after successful compliance reform and a case where a defendant was acquitted in a case with a billions-of-yuan value involving illegal mining. His legal services extend beyond theoretical guidance, as he actively assists corporate clients in building compliance frameworks and successfully implementing internal control systems, accumulating numerous successful cases and good industry reputation.


黄敬 盈科粤港澳大湾区刑事法律专业委员会副主任

Huang Jing, Deputy Director of the Criminal Law Special Committee of the Greater Bay Area of Yingke Law Firm

黄敬律师在刑事诉讼法律服务(包括侦查、审查起诉、一审、二审、申诉、死刑复核、刑事自诉)、刑事诉前专项法律服务(包括刑事报案、协同自首、刑事止损)、刑事法律顾问服务(包括刑事合规审查、预防职务犯罪培训)等领域均颇有研究,具有深厚的刑事专业理论功底。 黄律师执业多年以来办理刑事案件数百起,积累了丰富的执业经验和辩护技巧,始终秉持“胸怀感激、心存敬畏、竭诚服务、伸张正义”的执业信条,不断探索、完善精细化与可视化辩护方法,面对重大、疑难刑事案件往往能够从细节入手,灵活运用法律,实现对错综复杂的案件事实和庞杂证据的准确有效梳理,突破证据重围,准确切中案件要害,屡次赢得当事人及其家属的高度赞赏。

Attorney Huang Jing has extensive research experience in various areas of criminal litigation legal services (including investigation, review for prosecution, first instance, second instance, appeal, death penalty review, and criminal self-complaint), pre-criminal lawsuit specialized legal services (including criminal reporting, collaborative surrender, and criminal loss prevention), and criminal legal consulting services (including criminal compliance review and preventive training for official crimes). He possesses a profound theoretical foundation in criminal law. Over the years of practice, Attorney Huang has handled hundreds of criminal cases, accumulating rich practical experience and defense skills. He always adheres to the practice creed of “being grateful, respectful, dedicated, and just.” He continuously explores and improves refined and visualized defense methods. In dealing with major and complex criminal cases, he often starts from the details, flexibly applies the law, accurately and effectively sorts out the complex facts and vast evidence, breaks through the evidence encirclement, hits the key points of the case, and has repeatedly won high praise from the parties and their families.


隋晓军 盈科大连金融风险防控法律事务部主任 

Sui Xiaojun, Head of the Financial Risk Prevention and Control Legal Affairs Department of Yingke Dalian


Since practicing, Sui Xiaojun has representated the clients in hundreds of cases involving the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, the crime of fund-raising fraud, the crime of contract fraud, the crime of falsely issuing special VAT invoices to defraud export tax rebates and tax deductions, and he has rich practical experience. Among the commercial crime cases represented by Sui, the clients include not only the top 500 private enterprises in China, private equity companies managing tens of billions of funds, leading enterprises formulating national industry standards, but also entrepreneurs with more than half a century of family heritage and young entrepreneurs in high-tech fields. Most of the cases are major and difficult issues with great social influence. Sui always adheres to the faith of being responsible for each client, deeply understands the background of the industry, the development process of the enterprise, and the motivation of the behavior involved in the case, he always analyses the case file materials in depth, refines the doubtful points of the case, and comprehensively forms professional legal opinions, to fight for a fair case outcome for the client.


About LegalOne

LegalOne 是?家独立的全球法律服务评级和研究公司,核心团队具有数十年的国际法律媒体从业经验。通过与企业管理者的多年交流,并参照企业高管和法总的当下需求,该机构首创了一套基于项目参与者实战能力的全新评价机制。

LegalOne is an independent global research company with a core team that has decades of experience in the international legal media industry. Through years of communication with business managers and in reference to the current needs of corporate executives and general counsels, the institution has pioneered a new evaluation mechanism based on the practical abilities of project participants.


The LegalOne research team identifies a number of key, hot, or emerging legal service areas each year, based on the latest situation in the local legal market. They select 15 awardees in each field, and the selection and announcement of results for each area will take place over different months. By evaluating and rating commercial transactions, dispute resolution cases, and intellectual property cases, as well as clients’ ratings and reviews of legal consultants, the company provides important references for business decision-makers.




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